Propel Your Business Forward in a Thrive & Serve Mastermind Circle.

Where Visionaries Collaborate and Get Ahead in the AI Era.

Think AI. Be Inspired by Innovators.

Your Entrepreneur Community for the AI Era. Future-proof Together!

Every day you're not integrating AI, you're potentially leaving growth and opportunities on the table.

The AI world isn't just evolving; it's accelerating. Miss a beat, and you might miss the next big thing.

Delaying AI adoption isn't just about being left behind; it's about giving competitors the edge.

How many opportunities have passed by because you weren't AI-ready?

AI's vastness can lead to decision paralysis. Without guidance, the risk isn't just confusion; it's making costly mistakes.

Results in an AI-driven market demand a different approach.

Few in your circle might grasp the importance, intensifying the urgency to get ahead.

Facing the AI challenge alone? It's not just frustrating; it's a roadblock to unlocking its true potential.

Everyone in our community has been there! You are NOT alone...


  • Harnessing the power of AI, optimizing every strategy, and amplifying your productivity...
  • A community of AI-focused innovators, all navigating the digital future together...
  • Unwavering support and AI-driven insights to keep you at the forefront of your industry...
  • Collaborative brainstorming with peers who understand the nuances of AI, pushing boundaries together...
  • Peace of mind that people who care have got your back... So you never have to flounder in isolation ever again as you gain support from entrepreneurs just like you.

Collaboration and support in Thrive & Serve

is the key to a new era of growth for you!

David Gauthier
David G.

Agency Owner, Montreal

“I love the structure, the over delivery is crazy. You offer so much to this community, it’s insane. I’m really stoked to be part of it. I almost feel like I am robbing you, paying so little!”


"The mastermind I could not be without...

Every 2 weeks on a Wednesday morning I spend 90 mins with Colin Scotland in his Marketing Mastermind, and it gives me so much joy because it is so much more than marketing and business.

After every session, I feel lifted, inspired, motivated, and clear on my purpose, vision, and the journey I am taking.

I always come away with a list of links to explore, tools to try, new prompts to run in ChatGPT, books to read, and an even deeper connection with the others.

It's a visioning workshop, marketing masterclass, therapy session, well-being retreat, and the best conversations with like-minded souls all in one place.

I get so much from it, but I also get to help others as we mastermind, brainstorm, and share our wins, challenges, and progress.

After today's session, my energy is vibrating at a totally new level! 🤩

If anyone is looking to join a mastermind - check out Colin's, I can't recommend it enough."

Jo A. Founder and CEO, The Marketing Collective

"The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony…

No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind (the master mind)."

--Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

Joshua Bloom
Joshua Bloom

Creator of Quantum Energy Transformation™

“You need to know AI, or you're not going to have a business.”


"That is some powerful mojo that goes on in Colin’s mastermind group!  

I leave the meetings feeling uplifted in a normal sort of way, but then after the meeting, I go and do (not think about, rather do) actions that surprise and delight me.


Colin has helped me to see marketing in a new light:  Its job is to bring people toward your business, yes, but the most delicious part—and this is where Colin excels—is to make your public appeal be that which is authentic to you, thereby attracting the customers that you truly want—those who can help you to fulfil your authentic purpose. 


Colin is a great force in this world, and I’m so thankful to have him in my life."

Anne G.

These Mastermind Circles are for mission-driven creative entrepreneurs like you who want to grow personally and professionally.


Meet online for 90 minutes every two weeks to brainstorm, challenge, support and grow together.


Keep each other accountable, share resources, provide feedback, overcome challenges and celebrate wins on the entrepreneurial journey.

What difference would that make to you?


This is YOUR Online Success Community.

You will be fired up to do your best work ever!

MIM Mastermind



Wins - What went well? We celebrate successes together.

Progress - Honest update on your progress.

Challenge - What is holding you back? What are you struggling with?

Help - From me and the rest of the group as we collectively brainstorm, advise and guide each other through our challenges.

Learn - A short burst of expert training/input from me (and occasionally guest experts), YOU, and another member of the group.

Stand On The Shoulders of Giants!

Share winning ChatGPT prompts, AI tools, lessons learned, and hard-won experience to fast-track your path to success!


The Hot Seat

The Hot Seat is so exciting as it is a great opportunity for you to present a problem/challenge/area you are working on to the group and for everyone to spend time working through it together in more depth.

Your hot seat will provide you with the in-depth help you need, and even just prepping for your hot seat is beneficial as it will cause you to reflect on the issue so you can explain it to others.

No pressure, just a few mins to present the issue, then 15 mins for everyone to dive in and help you.

A great opportunity to play in more depth in each other's situations and to take advantage of the ‘hive mind’.



What key insights did you get from the session and what actions will you commit to take away and report back on in the next session? We're all about forward momentum here!

Lorena testimonial

"Today I opened my new YouTube channel and posted my first video, it seemed the beginning of something way overdue that started long time ago, but just in my head.

This required a lot of clarity, determination and courage. It wasn’t easy, but working together with Colin made me see things in a different way, with a new meaning and perspective, very helpful.

I’m truly grateful for him and the whole community, their wisdom and advice made me start this new chapter with more confidence and purpose. It’s an awesome experience!!"

Lorena G.


You Will Never Want to Leave...

mastermind session

"I know what to work on and in what order. I just didn't have a clue before!"


"I couldn't have gotten this far without you. My motivation levels have been through the roof. Thank you!"


"I owe so much of the success in my business to being supported, challenged and held accountable in the group with Colin"


"Being a part of Colin's mastermind gave me a chance to meet similar entrepreneurs and gives me a completely new and fresh perspective on my challenges.

I especially like the camaraderie which developed very quickly. You are "pushed" to set up your goals and when you also publicly commit to them, you are much more likely to actually go through with them. I still struggle and this helps greatly. No pressure, you just know you need to be working towards it, so you get things done.

90 minutes every two weeks is just enough in terms of time commitment, it allows for a conversation to develop around important topics, set up your personal goals, share opinions and learn from other people's challenges and perspectives. I would definitely recommend it."

mastermind group - Lan



Isn't it time you took your business to the next level?

Marketing with AI is my Passion. Well, one of them...

Entrepreneur, aspiring author, coach, Dad, BJJ brown belt, musician, lecturer, sensei, marketer, my life, like yours is a work-in-progress.

Colin Scotland marketing coach

Colin Scotland 

Marketing Coach

I've been around in the world of marketing for quite some time.


I've lectured in Marketing Communications for the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) in England. 


I built an E-Commerce business from zero to £4 million in annual revenue (before it failed spectacularly in 2013).


From the ashes, I built a successful online coaching business and have the privilege of sharing my experience and process with mission-driven entrepreneurs around the world.

My mission is beautifully summed up in the words of Seth Godin: "marketing is the generous act of helping others become who they seek to become."

mastermind kenyon blunt marketing coach

"I frequently tell small business owners that joining a Mastermind group is the single-best investment of their time and money.

It's great to have a regular connection with like-minded entrepreneurs and to talk through problems.

I love the feedback and insights that I get from our fortnightly discussions. Colin is a great facilitator; I couldn't recommend anyone more highly."



You will also get these Additional Bonuses


Virtual Coffee Sessions

Value $250 per month

As an active Mastermind Member, you can schedule a private Virtual Coffee session with an expert Marketing coach once per month.

You get 30 minutes of laser-focused guidance to get you unstuck and keep you moving toward your goals.


Regular Bonus Content

Value $1,000's

New ChatGPT prompts, tools, training, swipe files, templates, and additional bonus materials. Everything is available exclusively to you as a mastermind member.


Exclusive Community

Value $1,000 Per Year

Everyday access to your fellow mastermind members and me in a private community... where you can network, access live training, get additional support, share wins, tools, and challenges...

It will enrich your journey as you learn from and share your experience with others in the community.

Here's what Mastermind Members Say...

Mastermind member Grant

"The mastermind feels like an advanced marketing class combined with my own group of executive advisors who share invaluable information and hold me accountable."

Mastermind member Jeff

“Being part of a group of like-minded business owners creates the soil of growth, you can't afford to wait, your business and personal growth are at stake."

Mastermind member Samantha

“I am so happy to be a part of this. The most supportive people that genuinely want to support you and will help you succeed. Joining this group will push you to where you want to be!"


Here's everything you get as a member of the Thrive and Serve Mastermind

MIM Mastermind

90 Minute Twice-Monthly Online Group Calls

Participate in live fortnightly calls from anywhere in the world via zoom.

Private Virtual Coffee Coaching Call

One private 30-minute Virtual Coffee coaching call with me every month to fast-track your success.

Regular Bonus Content

Access to ChatGPT Mastery resources and prompts, plus my library of emails, funnel templates, resources, and swipe files for ChatGPT.

Exclusive Community

Everyday access to a network of experts from diverse fields plus an all-access pass to live training and resources in the exclusive community.

Is the Mastermind Right for Me?

This Mastermind is right for you if you...

Seek to master AI for personal and professional growth.

Aim to make a difference, not just profits.

Want clarity in the vast AI and digital marketing landscape.

Value AI-focused community support and collaboration.

Commit to active participation and continuous learning.


"Masterminds with Colin have become invaluable to my business and personal progress.

Having a group of supportive, passionate and knowledgeable people to share my challenges and wins with has made all the difference.

Before joining the mastermind, I struggled to make progress, I failed to meet goals and spent most of my time in overwhelm.

Now I have structure, accountability and most of all a group of people who are there to share my journey with.

Cannot recommend being part of this mastermind highly enough!"


100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Satisfaction Seal

These Mastermind Circles are a powerful way to learn, grow and reach your goals faster, but they're only for some...

So I make it easy...

There are no tie-ins. You are free to switch groups or cancel your membership at any time.

However, here's the thing... Most people always want to stay!

Laura Bean

"I've been part of Colin's online mastermind for over a year now and it's been nothing short of transformational! I am honestly a different person than when I started.

The mastermind has given me focus, drive, knowledge, and confidence. It's given me the opportunity to learn from others, share experiences, and I've benefitted both personally and professionally because of it.

Colin runs these groups with kindness, and the knowledge he shares with us is priceless. I'm so grateful to him and those within my group who have given me so much. I would highly recommend anyone feeling a bit lost with their business to give the mastermind a try."


We don't just let anybody in!

These mastermind circles are ONLY for a certain type of creative entrepreneur...

...You must be mission-driven and on a journey to transform your life and the lives of those you serve!

If this sounds like you, apply now. You will attend your first session as a guest and the group will approve your membership if you're a good fit.

Join Today




MIM Mastermind

90-Minute Live Zoom Call every two weeks

Monthly Virtual Coffee Call with Colin

All-Access Pass to Thrive & Serve Community

All-Access Pass to Courses, Playbooks & Resources

+BONUS - ChatGPT Vault & Resources


"The mastermind allows me to step outside what I’m doing and reflect on progress and plans.

I don’t have anything else like that and when you’re trying to create something on your own it can be quite isolating.

It’s useful to hear other people’s progress too and there’s always a critical reminder of something very important."


Frequently Asked Questions

When and how often do we meet?

All calls are 90 minutes in length.

We meet online using zoom video conferencing software. There are afternoon and morning groups to cater to different time zones.

Mastermind circles meet live on Zoom every two weeks on at 3.30 pm UK time (10.30 am EST).

Will it work for me?

As a mastermind member, you tap into the wisdom of a group of entrepreneurs going through similar challenges, known as the master mind, or hive mind. You’re exposed to different perspectives and can draw on diverse skills and experiences. Being an online entrepreneur is not a one player game.

You get insights and advice, learn fast, set goals, solve problems, move faster in your business, and are held accountable. You benefit by tapping into the power of the master mind to gain clarity and focus, get inspired to think bigger and make better decisions.

How often can I ask questions?

You get an opportunity to ask questions and get feedback and support in every session. You can also ask an unlimited number of questions in the private community where I am regularly active and also in private virtual coffee sessions with me. Tap into the power of the master mind to grow your business faster.

If I am stuck, will you help me figure stuff out?

Absolutely. The whole point of the Mastermind is that you tap into the collective mind, into people who look out for each other, provide feedback, and offer advice from direct experience. We help each other get unstuck, both on the calls and in the community.

How do I measure my progress?

Each member's progress is evaluated on a highly personalized basis, focusing on both personal and professional goals. We understand that every entrepreneur and every business is different, so we encourage members to set and declare their own unique goals. However, that doesn't mean you're left to navigate your path alone. We employ tools like the Wheel of Life and offer guidance to support your progress in a comprehensive and nurturing manner. Our regular group meetings serve as an opportunity to reflect on your growth, celebrate achieved milestones, and strategize for the future. This tailored approach ensures your progress within the Mastermind is consistently aligned with your individual vision and aspirations for personal growth and business success.

How many people are in each circle?

Mastermind circles have a maximum of 8 members. The ideal number is between 5 and 8 per group, but we do start each circle with fewer members and grow as we get interested people who fit in with the other members.

What is the duration of the investment?

This is an annual investment. You can cancel anytime before the automatic renewal.

Do I have enough time to commit?

Let's be clear, you will need serious commitment and focus to get the results you desire regardless of whether that's in this mastermind or somewhere else.

Beyond the 90 minutes for the fortnightly sessions, you should expect to invest time in both understanding AI's vast landscape and implementing its principles into your business strategies. This isn't just about dedicating time; it's about future-proofing your business in the AI era.

By giving your best effort and collaborating with others in the community, you're not only stepping out of your comfort zone but stepping into a future where AI and business are inseparable.

What about confidentiality?

What happens in the mastermind, stays in the mastermind.

What's shared in the mastermind remains confidential. While we openly discuss AI strategies and groundbreaking insights, we understand the importance of safeguarding business-specific information. All members are required to sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) BEFORE joining, ensuring a trusted environment for all participants.

What if I miss a session?

It is important to attend all sessions. However, when vacations or unforeseen emergencies occur please notify the group in advance.

Sessions are recorded, so you can review what was discussed later. But, of course, you will not have the chance to participate in that session.


“Many heads on my business looking over my problems and searching for my best solution - it's a power up like nothing else I know.

I am busy, my time is valuable and how I use my time matters.

This is the best return on investment of my time -BY-FAR- for my business and my self care.”


Let's See if You're a Good Fit!

Enter your details and schedule a 15-minute chat with me to see if you're a good fit for the Incubator Mastermind.

You will also receive regular emails from me to help you improve your marketing. We take your privacy seriously. No spam. See our Privacy Policy and Terms.

Let's See if You're a Good Fit!

Schedule a 15-minute chat with me to see if you're a good fit for the Incubator Mastermind.

You will also receive regular emails from me to help you improve your marketing. We take your privacy seriously. No spam. See our Privacy Policy and Terms.

Mark D.