Transform Your Business and Life with AI-Powered, Values-Driven Marketing

Tired of marketing that feels empty? Integrate your values into a strategy that attracts your ideal clients and amplifies your impact.

Hey, I'm Colin,

You didn't land here by chance. You're here because you sense a greater potential within you—potential that's not fully realized through your current business strategies.

Why Are You Here?

Maybe you're tired of marketing gimmicks that lack substance. Perhaps you're seeking a more authentic way to present your business to the world, one that resonates with who you are at your core.

Why Am I Here?

I get you. I've walked in your shoes. With years of experience in marketing and a deep understanding of advanced AI technologies, I offer a unique blend that can propel you to not just business success but a richer, more fulfilling life.

Are You Ready?

If you're nodding your head, then you're ready for a different kind of journey—one that aligns your business with your personal values, creating a ripple effect of positive change in your life and the lives of those you touch.

Ready to Embark on a Journey of Authentic Success?
Schedule Your Discovery Call Now.


“From doubt to double the revenue”


Client Success Stories

The AMPLIFY Framework: A New Blueprint for AI-Infused Success

What Makes AMPLIFY Unique?

You've seen coaching frameworks before, but AMPLIFY is different. It's a holistic philosophy designed to elevate your business, transform your life, and amplify your impact on the world.

Your Transformation, Step-By-Step:

Assess & Align

We conduct a thorough assessment of your business – strengths, opportunities, and areas for growth. We align this assessment with your core values, ensuring your vision guides every step.

Map & Message

We pinpoint your ideal customer with precision, understanding their needs and motivations. This clarity empowers us to craft messaging that resonates deeply and attracts loyal clients.

Plan & Propel

Based on our earlier insights, we create a comprehensive business and marketing strategy. This tailored plan is your roadmap, built on your unique values and goals.

Leverage Technology

The AMPLIFY Framework thoughtfully integrates AI tools like ChatGPT. We use them to streamline processes and amplify your message without losing your authentic voice.

Implement & Improve

We guide you through the implementation phase, offering mentorship and support to ensure new tools and strategies are used to their full potential.

Fortify & Flourish

We fortify the foundation of your success by analyzing results and fine-tuning your strategy. This adaptability ensures you continue to thrive.

Yield & Yield More

Celebrate your wins – increased revenue, personal transformation, and making a meaningful difference. We use these successes as fuel to propel you toward even greater goals.

Ready to Ignite Change?

If the words on this page are resonating with you, then you're ready. Ready for a transformative journey that aligns your business acumen with your deepest values, creating a ripple effect of positive change that you've only dreamed of.

Don't Let This Moment Slip Away. Schedule Your No-Obligation Discovery Call Now.
Dr Chris

How It All Begins...

Our initial Discovery sessions will involve getting clarity around your goals and objectives for the future.

This allows us to prioritise our plan of attack so we are, as Stephen Covey says "putting first things first".

We'll ask a lot of questions, look at your offer(s) in detail, research the market, etc.

All of this is to find out what your audience really needs to know so we can create compelling messaging that resonates deeply.

Once we've completed discovery, we move on to phase one of the plan of action.


“Colin's making me better at my job and the business is going where it needs to go”


Client Success Story - Kim

The VIP Coaching Process...

We split our work together into three main phases and you get unlimited advice and guidance from me throughout the entire process.

You and I work together to get you where you want to be.

See results right away!

If you have an email list or existing clients I will show you how to get quick wins to generate income immediately which means the investment often pays for itself quickly.

If you’re starting from scratch, then you can expect to start seeing results as we build out your online eco-system, I call it your 'marketing engine'.

The first phase is where you and I work together to do the deep work required to create a master plan.

This way we ensure we execute on areas that have maximum impact and not just 'jumping in’ to the tactical, which will limit results.

Phase One


Here we work together to create a blueprint that will ensure we get you the very best results.

We focus on the foundational blocks that make up my A.R.T. of Marketing eco-system: attention-grabbing content - email capture - relationship building automation - client conversion funnels - value ladder, repeat business, and referrals.

By the end of this phase you will have:

  • Clarity on your marketing goals and objectives.
  • Clarity on your why. We develop you and/or your brand's reason for being.
  • Clarity on your target market and USP.
  • Chain of beliefs. We develop a map of what your ideal clients need to believe in order to get to yes.
  • Detailed Value ladder blueprint and dream profit plan for getting the results you desire.
  • Enhanced funnels and marketing automation strategies designed and ready to implement.
  • Content marketing strategy created and ready to go.

We meet virtually on Zoom. In between sessions you and I carry out additional market research and prep work, interview/survey your clients and prepare the blueprints. 

Phase Two


You implement the plan with me alongside you.

I'm your co-pilot, advisor and guide through the whole process.

We continue to meet virtually every week as we implement the master plan together to:

  • Write effective sales pages.
  • Create compelling lead magnets.
  • Create high-converting funnels.
  • Write captivating messaging and copy.
  • Write email nurture campaigns.
  • Create websites that convert.
  • Create content to position you/your brand as an authority.
  • Create a marketing eco-system that converts at every stage.

I love to roll up my sleeves and help you through the entire process.

Plus, you can access my team to execute for you if required - quoted separately on a per-project basis.

When the foundational blocks are in place, this is where the fun really begins...

Phase Three


During this phase, we focus on driving traffic into the newly created funnel(s) so we can evaluate and enhance your marketing eco-system.

Once the funnel is dialled in, we ramp up the volume and scale.

We continue to meet virtually every week to:

  • Make data-driven enhanecements.
  • Drive organic traffic with SEO and content marketing.
  • Repurpose content to drive more traffic into your world.
  • Implement paid media strategy - Pay Per Click ads (e.g. Facebook and Google Adwords) with advanced retargeting.
Brooke Sprowl

"I’m eternally grateful for your support and for helping me get to a point where I can stay in my zone of genius and delegate the rest.

It’s been absolutely life-changing and so much is opening up for me.

I feel so much greater ease to continue to make my dreams a reality and I’m able to do so further, faster, and deeper. It’s so exciting to feel so empowered to achieve even more than I thought was possible."



“Confidence, clarity, and a 50% increase in revenue within two months!”


Client Success Stories

What You Get When You Partner With Me

More Than Coaching: A Partnership for Transformation

When you embark on this journey with me, you’re not just signing up for coaching sessions;

you're entering into a transformative partnership. Here's what you'll get:

Individualized Attention:

Your business is as unique as you are. That's why our coaching sessions are one-on-one, focused solely on your specific needs and aspirations. Feel seen, heard, and understood like never before.

Cutting-Edge Tools & Resources:

Benefit from the latest in AI technology, market insights, and bespoke tools, all aimed at propelling your business forward. Navigate the complexities of modern business with ease and confidence.

A Like-Minded Community:

Gain access to an exclusive network of purpose-driven entrepreneurs who, like you, are on a journey toward authentic success. Feel the power and support of a community that 'gets you.'

Accountability & Support:

I'll be with you every step of the way, providing the accountability you need and the support you deserve. Move forward with unwavering confidence, knowing you're not alone.

Plus These Exclusive Bonuses 🎁

As part of our collaboration, you'll also receive:


Free Mastermind Access

Be part of intimate group discussions focused on tackling the most pressing challenges.


Unlimited Digital Support

Have a question or hit a roadblock? I'm always just a WhatsApp message away.


All-Access Pass to Resources

All-access pass to guides, templates, AI prompts, and swipe files from my personal collection.

Ready for a Partnership That Transforms?

Hear From Those Who've Walked the Path

Real People, Real Transformations...

"Colin's AMPLIFY Framework didn't just help me; it transformed me. I found clarity in my business and peace in my personal life that I didn't think was possible."

Social Impact Entrepreneur

"Before working with Colin, I felt like I was constantly hitting walls. Now, not only are those walls gone, but I've also found a renewed sense of purpose."


Tech Startup Founder

"Colin's approach is one-of-a-kind. It's not just about business success, but about aligning your work with your deepest values. That’s priceless."


Health & Wellness Coach

"The AMPLIFY Framework was a game-changer for my business. But what truly stands out is how Colin blends technology with a deeply human approach. I'm not just a better entrepreneur; I'm a better person."


Marketing Agency Owner

Inspired by These Stories? You Could Be Next.


Colin Scotland marketing coach

Meet Your New Coach

Colin Scotland, AI-Obsessed Marketing Maverick

Marketing and Business Growth Master: Colin has achieved master-level skills in marketing and first-hand knowledge of what it takes to build a multiple seven-figure online business.

Colin is a passionate AI enthusiast: Helping people innovate with ChatGPT and AI tools to stay ahead of the competition.

In-Demand Marketing Coach: Colin's organic approach generates an immense demand for his coaching services without any advertising.

Empowering Thousands: Colin has helped thousands of entrepreneurs to reach their potential and create a positive, lasting impact.


“Working with Colin is amazing. It delivers results, it delivers growth, and it will make your business better. He's awesome to talk with and working with him is the no-brainer of the century!”


Client Success Stories

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be tech-savvy to benefit from your coaching?

No, you don't have to be a tech expert. I'll guide you through integrating cutting-edge technologies into your business, making it as seamless as possible.

How long is the program?

Amplify Coaching is typically either a 3-month or 6-month sprint. We match the intensity of our collaboration to your specific circumstance.

How quickly can I expect to see results?

The AMPLIFY Framework is designed for deep, lasting transformation, which takes time. However, many clients report experiencing 'aha' moments and shifts from our very first session.

What if I have a unique business model?

Every business is unique, which is why the AMPLIFY Framework is flexible and adaptable. Our coaching sessions will be tailored to your specific needs and challenges.

Can I contact you between sessions?

Absolutely. As part of our partnership, you'll have unlimited digital support. Whenever you hit a roadblock or have a question, I'm always just an email or WhatsApp message away.

What's the time commitment?

The AMPLIFY Framework is a comprehensive program, and the time commitment will vary depending on your specific goals and challenges. Typically, it would be best if you were prepared to invest at least a few hours weekly for our coaching sessions, implementing strategies, and self-reflection.

How do you handle confidentiality?

Your trust is paramount. All information shared during our coaching sessions and communications is strictly confidential and will never be shared with third parties.

What makes your coaching different from others?

Your business will grow to the extent that you grow. But you already know that. What sets this coaching program apart is its focus on business success and personal growth. By blending cutting-edge technology with a person-first approach, I provide a unique experience. I walk alongside you and equip you with the thinking skills and resources for limitless success. You and I collaborate, and that is where the magic happens. This is different from anything else out there. It is not about my coaching but what you bring and how our partnership fires you up to serve more people through your work.

Is your coaching suitable for businesses at any stage?

Yes, whether you're just getting started, a business owner looking to scale, or running a well-established company, the AMPLIFY Framework and process is designed to offer valuable insights and tangible benefits. The most important element is your commitment level. If your motivation is a 10/10 then we can make magic happen together.

Do you offer any guarantees?

While I can't guarantee specific results—since they depend on various factors, including your level of commitment and market conditions—I do guarantee that you'll receive the highest level of personalized coaching aimed at your success.

Don't Let Uncertainty Hold You Back.
Get Your Questions Answered in a Discovery Call.

Are You Ready for a Transformation Like No Other?

The Choice Is Yours

You've read the testimonials, understood the AMPLIFY Framework, and seen what you'll receive when you partner with me. Now, the ball is in your court. Are you ready to commit to a journey that promises not just business success but also unparalleled personal growth?

Invest in Your Growth

Understand that this coaching program is a high-value, high-return investment in your future. It's designed for those who are serious about achieving not just business success but also personal fulfillment.

Why Act Now?

The best time for a transformation was yesterday; the next best time is now. Every moment you hesitate is a missed opportunity for growth, for impact, and for the fulfillment you've been seeking.

What Awaits You

Imagine a business that's not just profitable but also a manifestation of your deepest values. Picture a life where your professional success enhances, rather than detracts from, your personal fulfillment. This isn't a pipe dream; it's what my coaching offers.

You're at a crossroads, and the next step could redefine your future. Take the step that leads to both business success and personal fulfillment.

"You've instilled so much confidence in my marketing/sales capabilities I'm drowning in sales without even trying!"


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Wait! Don't Leave Empty-Handed 👋

Get Your Secret AI Growth Playbook

5 Quick Wins to Skyrocket Your Business

Gain clarity on your business goals.

Focus your efforts for maximum impact.

Trigger explosive growth and take your business to the next level.

These 5 Quick Wins are easy to implement and can be applied to any business, regardless of industry.