Law of Assumption: Guide to Manifesting Success

By Colin Scotland

A while ago, I stumbled upon a concept that transformed my mindset and life's trajectory—the law of assumption. It’s fascinating how this principle operates on the belief that assuming something as true can make it your reality, contrasting sharply with waiting passively for life to unfold. This discovery was like finding a hidden key in a maze, offering me control where I once felt powerless. Embracing the law of assumption has empowered me to shift from being an onlooker in my life to becoming its architect. Through simple yet profound shifts in perception, I've unlocked potentials and opportunities I never thought possible, making every day a testament to the power within us all.

Key Takeaways

  • The Law of Assumption can be a powerful tool for personal transformation, emphasizing the importance of assuming the feeling of your desires being fulfilled.
  • Understanding its history and origins, mainly through Neville Goddard’s teachings, provides a solid foundation for effectively applying this law in everyday life.
  • It's crucial to distinguish between the Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction, as they operate on similar yet distinct principles; the former focuses more on the internal state of being.
  • Crafting effective affirmations is a practical step that can help reinforce the assumed state, making it a vital practice for those looking to manifest their desires.
  • Incorporating the Law of Assumption into daily life involves occasional practice and a consistent lifestyle change, emphasizing persistence and positive thinking.
  • Real-life experiences inspire and demonstrate how the Law of Assumption can lead to significant life changes with the right mindset and approach.

Understanding the Law of Assumption

Belief's Power

The law of assumption operates on a simple yet profound principle: what we assume to be true becomes our reality. This concept suggests that our deepest beliefs shape the experiences we have in life. It is fascinating how this law works independently of physical evidence, relying solely on the power of thought and belief.

I've found in my own life that when I shift my assumptions from doubt to certainty, things begin to align more closely with my desires. For instance, assuming success in a new venture often leads me towards actions that make success more likely. This personal experience underscores the transformative potential of embracing positive assumptions.

Shaping Reality

Assumptions are powerful tools for shaping our lives. They act as lenses through which we interpret events and interactions, influencing our responses and outcomes accordingly. The key lies in consciously choosing assumptions that serve us well.

  • Positive Assumptions: Assuming good intentions in others can lead to stronger relationships.
  • Negative Assumptions: Conversely, assuming the worst can isolate us and hinder progress.

It's essential to recognize how effortlessly negative assumptions can creep into our mindset, altering our perceptions and experiences negatively without us even noticing. We create an environment where positivity thrives by actively cultivating positive assumptions about ourselves and others.

In navigating challenges or pursuing goals, I've learned the importance of maintaining a hopeful outlook despite uncertainties. Adopting an assumption that every effort brings me closer to my goal has empowered me to persevere and find joy in the journey itself.

By understanding these dynamics between belief and reality through the law of assumption, one gains insight into how significantly personal beliefs influence life experiences.

  1. Identify limiting beliefs
  2. Replace them with empowering assumptions
  3. Act as if those new assumptions are already true

This process has helped reshape my perspective toward challenges, transforming them from obstacles into opportunities for growth.

Tracing the History and Origins

Ancient Roots

The law of assumption isn't a new concept. It has its roots deeply embedded in ancient philosophies. Before the 20th century, thinkers and philosophers were already exploring ideas about how our thoughts shape our reality. This notion was intertwined with practices like meditation and rituals aimed at influencing one's future or current state.

In my journey, looking back at these ancient teachings offers a unique perspective on approaching modern challenges. Understanding that this law has been considered valuable for centuries gives me confidence in its power to help create positive life changes.

New Thought Movement

The New Thought movement played a pivotal role in popularizing the law of assumption. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, this movement introduced the idea that our thoughts directly influence our experiences. During this time, literature began to emerge, focusing on mental powers and positive thinking as tools for creating desired outcomes.

Neville Goddard stands out as a key figure who disseminated these concepts widely. His teachings emphasized imagining one's desired state as an existing reality to bring it into manifestation. For many people today, including myself, Goddard’s work is an inspirational guide toward achieving personal goals through belief and visualization.

Modern Interpretation

Today, we see the law of assumption reflected across various fields, including self-help books, motivational speeches, and even some aspects of astrology, which talk about aligning with universal energies for creation purposes. The internet has also allowed for a broader dissemination of these ideas, making them more accessible to everyone seeking guidance or understanding regarding their potential impact on life circumstances.

Discovering synchronicities between my actions based on assumptions and subsequent outcomes has been eye-opening for me. It reinforced my belief in being intentional with my thoughts because they have power over what appears in my world.

We access a rich tapestry of wisdom spanning centuries by embracing historical insights and modern interpretations of the law of assumption. This unique set helps us navigate life's complexities by reminding us that at every moment, we are co-creating our experiences through what we choose to assume is true about ourselves and our capabilities. As individuals look back into history while applying these timeless principles today, they discover powerful avenues for transformation not just within themselves but also within their surroundings.

Neville Goddard’s Core Teachings

Imagination Power

Neville Goddard believed imagination shapes our reality. He taught that the world we experience is a reflection of our inner thoughts and visions. By harnessing our imagination, we can create the life we desire.

I've found this principle incredibly empowering in my journey. Understanding that my thoughts could influence my reality encouraged me to dream bigger and focus on positive outcomes. It's a reminder that limitations often exist only in our minds.

Feeling is crucial for manifesting desires, according to Goddard. He argued that emotions are the language of the universe. When we align our feelings with our wishes, they become magnetized to us.

This concept has transformed how I approach goals. Rather than just visualizing success, I immerse myself in the feeling of having achieved it. This emotional connection brings opportunities closer faster than anything else.

Personal Responsibility

Goddard emphasized everyone's role in creating their own reality. He urged people to take responsibility for their lives by consciously directing their thoughts and feelings.

Acknowledging my part in shaping my experiences was huge for me. It shifted me from blaming external circumstances to taking control of what I could change: my mindset and reactions.

  • Imagination as a tool for change
  • Feeling deeply connects desires with reality
  • Taking responsibility empowers personal growth

The Secret Ingredient

The secret behind successful manifestation lies in belief and persistence. Goddard advised maintaining faith even when immediate results aren't visible.

Believing without seeing requires patience but leads to profound changes over time. This is the hardest part in practice, as the lack of visible results causes us to let go of the belief, allowing the lack of results to be our reality.

Persistence ensures dreams withstand challenges until they materialize.

Differentiating the Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction

Core Beliefs

The Law of Assumption fundamentally diverges from the Law of Attraction by focusing on internal beliefs. It posits that assuming what you desire is already yours creates a reality reflecting those beliefs. This principle directly links our deepest convictions and our external world.

In my journey, embracing this law transformed how I approach goals. I started to believe in my success as an existing fact, not a distant possibility. This shift in mindset led to remarkable changes in my life, reinforcing the power of assumption over mere attraction.

Looking back it was the key to my creation of a £4 million revenue online business. I believed it would smash one million per year and persistently took right (and wrong) action until it did.

Energy Focus

On the other hand, the Law of Attraction emphasizes energy and vibrations more than internal beliefs. It teaches that like attracts like; positive thoughts bring positive outcomes, while negative thoughts attract unfavorable ones. Here, The focus is on emitting the right energy to attract what you want.

I've noticed that combining both laws can be powerful. By aligning my energy with firm assumptions about my desires already being mine, I've seen faster and more consistent results.

Practical Application

Understanding these differences is crucial for applying them effectively:

For Law of Assumption:

  • Believe your desires are already fulfilled.
  • Act and make decisions as if your goals have been achieved.

For Law of Attraction:

  • Maintain positive thoughts and feelings.
  • Visualize achieving your desires frequently.

Crafting Effective Affirmations

Present Tense

Crafting affirmations in the present tense is crucial. This makes your goals feel attainable now, not in some distant future. Say "I am" instead of "I will". This small shift can make a big difference.

For me, changing my affirmations to the present tense was massive. It helped me embody the reality I desired immediately. I found myself more motivated and confident.

Using positive words strengthens this effect. Instead of focusing on what you don't want, center your affirmations around what you do want. Say "I am successful" rather than "I am not failing".

For more information on the power of language and its impact on your reality, I highly recommend you check out Don Miguel Ruiz’s book The Four Agreements. It is magical.


Be clear and specific about your desires when crafting affirmations. Vague statements will give your mind a vague target.

For instance, specify an amount or outcome like “I earn $10,000 monthly” if aiming for financial abundance. This clarity helps direct your focus and energy precisely where it needs to go.

In my journey with the law of assumption, being specific in my affirmations led to more explicit goals and more directed actions toward achieving them.

I often ask a client with a $20k per month revenue goal: What would $50k per month look like right now? Or $100k? This startles at first, then sparks many honest thoughts about the difference between how they show up now and what they want. 

When you are fixed on the specific outcome, everything else becomes easy. It doesn’t matter what you choose as your specific outcome. 

Believing it, staying the course, and consistently taking what Buddha called ‘right action’ will make it a reality for you.


Repeat affirmations daily with conviction for them to take root in your subconscious mind. Consistency is key here.

Create a routine where you recite these positive affirmations every morning or before bed.

  • Choose five powerful statements
  • Repeat each ten times. Feeling into the words
  • Visualize achieving these as you say them out loud

This practice has helped me maintain focus on my goals during challenging times by reinforcing my belief in their inevitability. Also, it is not enough to ‘say’ your affirmations. You must ‘feel’ the emotions as though they are your reality. This is where the power of imagination comes in. Imagine the reality as true, feel the feeling, hold on to the belief, and assume this reality now.

Applying the Law in Daily Life

Positive Assumptions

Start every day with a positive assumption. Believe that small tasks will lead to success. This practice changes your outlook on life. It turns challenges into opportunities.

This approach helps me tackle my daily work responsibilities more effectively. I'm more motivated and focused when I assume a project will turn out well. This mindset shift is powerful.

Visualize achievements as if they are already yours. See yourself succeeding in long-term goals. This visualization process makes goals feel attainable.

For example, imagine landing not one but three new whale clients in your business or finishing a marathon. These visualizations boost confidence and drive action toward these aims.

Mindset Alignment

Aligning your mindset with your assumptions is crucial for change. Your beliefs influence actions in the physical world.

Many people struggle to maintain positive thoughts during tough times. However, adjusting our perspective can help us navigate these challenges better.

Adopting an optimistic outlook has transformed how I perceive difficulties in my life and work. It's not just about hope; it's about creating the state you wish to live in through belief and action.

By practicing these principles consistently:

  1. Start by assuming positive outcomes.
  2. Visualize success vividly.
  3. Adjust attitudes and beliefs accordingly.

You set the foundation for significant personal growth and achievement.

Steps for Effective Manifestation

Define Desire

First, you must know what you want. This step seems simple but is crucial. With a clear goal, focusing your intentions or feelings is easier. Think deeply about what you truly desire.

Writing down my goals helps clarify them in my mind. It makes them more real and tangible. And when I don’t know, I journal to explore whatever comes up. Julia Cameron’s Book The Artist’s Way taught me so much about this practice of exploring consciousness through the written word.

Next, be as specific as possible when defining your desire. Instead of wishing for "happiness," identify what happiness means to you. Is it the impact of your work, a loving relationship, or financial security? Specificity directs your energy more efficiently towards the desired outcome.

Assume Feeling

Assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled is not just thinking but feeling like it has already happened. According to the law of assumption, this can be challenging but is essential for manifestation.

To do this effectively, I often use visualization techniques before bed or first thing in the morning when my mind is most receptive. Imagining myself living out my dream scenario helps embed those feelings deep within me. Smiling to myself as I ‘experience’ the reality.

It’s essential to immerse yourself fully in this assumed reality without doubt creeping in. Feel every emotion associated with achieving your goal - joy, gratitude, peace - and let these guide your daily actions and thoughts.

Persist in Your Assumption

Persistence is critical until your desire manifests into reality. Doubts will arise along this journey; however, staying steadfast in your assumption will lead to success.

In my experience with applying this principle, there were times when doubts clouded my vision; however, returning consistently to assuming the feeling of achievement helped me focus on my end goal rather than current obstacles or setbacks.

As Nietzsche said: “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.”

Consistency reinforces belief over time, making manifestation inevitable if one persists long enough with unwavering faith. You are the only thing that will stop your success from being inevitable.

Embracing Persistence and Positive Thinking

Transforming Assumptions

Persistence is the bridge between desire and its realization. By holding steadfast to our beliefs, we turn the intangible into tangible. This process involves a relentless pursuit of our goals despite obstacles that may appear insurmountable.

I've learned through personal experience that acknowledging my aspirations with unwavering focus can lead to surprising outcomes. It's not merely about wanting something but embedding that desire within every thought and action until it becomes part of reality. Persistence requires us to look beyond appearances, maintaining faith in our vision even when evidence suggests otherwise and continuing even when that little voice in my head says, ‘Why are you doing this, Colin? No one cares. Might as well give up now.’

Constructive Mindset

Positive thinking is crucial for nurturing a constructive mindset. It empowers us to view challenges not as barriers but as stepping stones toward our goals. By focusing on positive outcomes, we align our consciousness with what we wish to manifest.

  • Here are some techniques I find helpful:
  • Visualizing desired outcomes daily.
  • Replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations.

These practices have helped me maintain a hopeful perspective during tough times, reinforcing my belief in the law of assumption. Taking an intentional pause is critical to this. Otherwise, the mind will continue to race, and emotions will rage, preventing you from stepping back and being able to see the situation from a place of what the Buddhists call ‘Magnanimous Mind.’

Overcoming Challenges

Challenges are an inevitable part of life, but they're also temporary. With a steadfast belief in ourselves and our desires, overcoming them becomes possible and probable. This doesn't mean ignoring difficulties; instead, it involves facing them head-on while holding onto the conviction that everything will work out exactly as it should.

In moments of doubt, I remind myself that each challenge is an opportunity for growth—a chance to strengthen my resolve and refine my approach toward achieving my dreams.

And, as the beautiful saying from Ecclesiastes goes: “To everything, there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”

Final Thoughts

Diving into the law of assumption has been a journey of self-discovery and empowerment for me. I've learned that my thoughts shape my reality, and by embracing this powerful principle, I've created a new level of personal growth. 

The transformation has been eye-opening, from understanding its roots to seeing it in action in my life. The stories of others who've harnessed this law inspire me to persist and keep my mindset positive, no matter the hurdles.

Please take these insights and apply them to your life. Start crafting affirmations that resonate with you, and practice them daily. Remember, the key is persistence and a positive outlook. Let's embark on this journey together, transforming our dreams into reality through the law of assumption. Your future self will thank you for taking this step today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Law of Assumption?

The Law of Assumption posits that your beliefs and assumptions shape your reality. By assuming a desired outcome as true, you attract it into your life. It's about believing in the power of thought to create your world.

How does the Law of Assumption differ from the Law of Attraction?

While both laws focus on manifesting desires, the Law of Assumption emphasizes belief in an outcome as already existing, whereas the Law of Attraction centers on attracting what you want through thoughts and feelings. In practical reality, they work hand in hand.

Who was Neville Goddard, and why is he important?

Neville Goddard was a profound spiritual teacher who popularized the Law of Assumption in the 20th century. His teachings encourage individuals to harness their imagination and beliefs to shape their reality, emphasizing that faith makes all things possible.

Can you provide tips for crafting effective affirmations according to this law?

For impactful affirmations, phrase them in the present tense as if they're already true. Focus on positive emotions and believe deeply in their truth. Repeat them daily with conviction to embed these beliefs into your subconscious.

How can I apply the Law of Assumption in my daily life?

Start by monitoring your thoughts closely; replace negative assumptions with positive ones aligned with your desires. Seeing this in yourself is the first step, building an awareness. Practice visualizing achieving your goals as if they have already happened, fostering a mindset where those outcomes are inevitable.

What steps should I follow for effective manifestation using this law?

Begin by clearly defining what you wish to manifest. Assume its presence in your life firmly without doubt or contradiction. Visualize it vividly, feel grateful for its existence now, and take inspired action toward making it a reality while maintaining unwavering faith.

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